Nutrition & Santé

Manufacturing of active and natural food products and nutritional solutions

A carve-out from Novartis, Nutrition & Santé was one of the leading European manufacturers and marketers of specialised dietary food products. At the time of Abenex’s acquisition, the business operated mainly in France, but also had sites in Iberia, Italy and the Benelux. Its products were categorised into four primary groups: health and functional food, slimming, specialty nutrition and sports nutrition. Nutrition & Santé primarily distributed its products via three distinctive channels: supermarkets, pharmacies and specialist nutrition shops.

Datum van kapitaalinvestering

February 2006

Type overeenkomst

LMBO (Carve Out)



Aantal werknemers


Datum van overdracht

February 2009

Type overdracht

Industrial sale to Otsuka Pharmaceutical
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