Premista partners with Abenex

Premista, debt consolidation specialist, partners with Abenex to accelerate its development

Nineteen years after the creation of Central Finances, Premista’s main brand, its founder Jean-Marie Person, supported by Thibaut Serby and Frédéric Wattebled, announces its partnership with Abenex.

Premista is a leader in debt consolidation for individuals. It generated a volume of loans of around 500 million Euros in 2017 through a balanced distribution model combining a leading direct network under the Central Finances brand, distance selling platforms (Patrimial, Starto) and several networks of franchisees and business introducers (Vegalis, Credit Libra and Cap 100).

Premista’s management is taking advantage of the operation to simplify the Group’s operational and legal organisation in order to support future growth and to continue to expand the range of services offered to its customers (mortgage loans, insurance, etc.).

The operation, which combines the contribution of Abenex in equity and the raising of an acquisition credit line, provides the Group with substantial resources to pursue its external growth policy. Several operations are currently being considered.

“With the arrival of Abenex, our ambition is to continue our double-digit growth in debt consolidation and to build a leading group in financial intermediation for individuals, in particular by seizing external growth opportunities” Jean-Marie Person, Chairman and founder of Premista

“The founders of Premista were able to create in a few years a leading group in a fast-growing and increasingly regulated debt consolidation market. Over the years, Premista has thus become an essential and particularly respected intermediary for the specialist banks that rely on it to ensure their commercial development in complete confidence. “Antoine Schouman, Partner of Abenex.

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