Square management

Abenex invests in Square, a rising international consulting group

Square and Abenex announce the acquisition of a minority stake in the company by Abenex, alongside the founders (Jérôme Boucheron, Vincent Canchon, Eric Bonnel and Patrick Meyer) and around twenty Partners of the company.

With offices in Paris, Brussels, Geneva and Luxembourg, Square is an international consulting group specialising in strategy, organisation and operations consulting.

Created in 2008, Square is today one of the main independent consulting groups in France and a leader in the Banking and Insurance segment. Having grown organically over the past decade, Square has in October 2017 acquired Alternea (a consulting firm specialised in digital transformation) and envisages further acquisitions in France and abroad.

This transaction allows for a reorganisation of the company’s shareholding, with the current management remaining in place and the investment of around fifteen new Partners.

The transaction will also provide considerable financial resources to support future organic and external growth.

The founders, led by Jérôme Boucheron, remain majority shareholders.

“Abenex’s investment in Square provides us with the means necessary to fuel our company’s growth, and to become a leading European management consulting firm”, said Jérôme Boucheron, Chairman and Founder of Square.

“We have known Square and its founders for more than a decade and are convinced of the quality and the stability of the management team. The firm has effectively implemented industry best practices, making Square a solid group, ideally positioned to seize market growth and consolidation opportunities”, added Olivier Moatti, Abenex.

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