Who we are

Our DNA and our history

Our DNA is to support companies in addressing tomorrow’s economic, environmental, and societal challenges, by focusing on three investment themes (Health & Wellness, Safety, and Value-added services). Abenex’s team is independent and has been committed to investing for positive impact for over 30 years.

Our history


Independence from
The management

becomes Abenex


Creation of the
operational team


Abenex IV
Final closing


Signatory of the
Principles for

Investment (PRI)


Creation of the real
estate activity: Abenex

REIM (Real Estate)

Opening of the
Lyon Office


Abenex V
Final closing


Launch of Abenex
Croissance I



Launch of Abenex
Value I
(Real Estate)


Active sourcing
in Italy starts

Signatory of
Initiative Climate

Oct. 2022


Abenex VI
Final closing

May 2023

Opening of the Amsterdam

Dec. 2022

SRI label obtained by
Value Value I

July 2023

Abenex becomes a
purpose driven

Our expertise

Abenex strengthens its small-cap team

How Abenex supports
SMEs & mid-cap companies:

We invest, either as a minority or majority shareholder, between 10 and 100 million euros in SMEs and mid-cap companies alongside their management teams.

Our approach is pragmatic and closely aligned to companies’ operations, based on an impactful involvement from our investment and operational teams.

Abenex's approach to real estate investing:

By incorporating socially responsible investment criteria, Abenex transforms real estate assets by improving their environmental performance, particularly in value-add projects through the refurbishment and renovation of obsolete buildings.

Abenex offers its investors the most suitable real estate strategy based on their investment and risk-return-liquidity preference.

Our Values:
Investing with purpose

Passion for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are at the heart of our business and the source of value creation. We take pride in building ambitious and sustainable projects with them and actively supporting them through a thorough understanding of their challenges.

United and committed team

We set up project teams that combine investors and professionals with specific expertise based on the entrepreneurs’ needs.

Integrity and professionalism

Our reputation is a key factor in our success. Alignment of interests and the fulfillment of our commitments are at the core of our approach. We make decisions because we believe they are fair and respectful.
Abenex Certified BCorp

Our geographies

Abenex targets companies operating in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

In Real Estate, Abenex primarily focuses on acquiring assets located in France, and invests in all types of assets including commercial real estate (office and retail), logistics facilities, residential properties, hotels, and managed properties (senior residences, student housing, nursing homes).

Abenex has offices in Paris, Lyon, Milan, and Amsterdam.

SMEs and mid-cap companies.

Entrepreneurs working alongside entrepreneurs, committed to sustainability.
As a long-standing player in private equity and a certified B-Corp company, Abenex targets growing companies along its three investment themes, firmly believing that they are sustainable drivers of positive impact for the economy and society: Health & wellness, Safety, Value-add services. Abenex supports the sustainable growth and transformation projects of SMEs and mid-cap companies alongside their management and teams.

We are a fund focused on growth, operational improvements, international expansion and integrating sustainable development criteria into our investment approach. Our approach is pragmatic and in line with the entrepreneurs’ goals. We have developed specific expertise to address the diverse range of challenges faced by the companies we support, including sustainable development, digital transformation, financial and operational performance measurement, international development support, and structuring of operations among others.

Our contribution: 
A dedicated operational team

Our operational team works at the management teams’ request. Their expertise is at their disposal to help implement value-creating initiatives for the company. This approach exemplifies our investment vision: to be an active partner to managers in accelerating the growth of their businesses.

In collaboration with the management, Abenex’s operational team helps grow sustainably our companies’ activities. Established in 2009 and a pioneer in France for a mid-cap fund, the team brings project management skills, strategic planning, and oversight of external consultancies, as well as business tools and best practices. The team includes dedicated experts who contribute to addressing operational transformation initiatives identified with the management teams, such as commercial development and external growth, cost management, organizational improvement, balance sheet optimisation, sustainable development, and ESG.

Real estate projects with high value creation potential

As a socially responsible investment fund (SRI certified), Abenex Value invests in real estate asset transformation projects to sustainably create fit-for-purpose properties that meet the needs of occupiers: improved energy performance, compliance with environmental standards, adaptation to new building usage.

Since 2019, Abenex invests in various real estate assets, including residential, offices, retail, logistics, hotels, and managed properties.

Abenex has also been investing in Core+ real estate transactions since 2014.

Abenex manages all aspects of real estate investment and asset management process. The management company is AMF (“Autorité des Marchés Financiers”) approved for the management of OPCIs (real estate investment funds) since 2015, extended in 2019 to other professional funds (FPS, FPCI, etc.).

Our differentiated approach to real estate investment revolves around five pillars:

  • An independent actor, human-sized, composed of a team with strong complementary expertise.
  • A commitment to sustainable development and integration of ESG criteria in real estate project management and transformation.
  • An agile and tailor-made approach to meet investors’ needs while considering all specific constraints aiming at delivering optimal performance.
  • An origination network from the private equity universe, complementing traditional real estate sourcing channels.
  • A deep understanding of occupiers, coupled with the ability to analyze tenants’ strengths, and a multidisciplinary expertise developed through private equity operations since 1992.
“Certified B Corporation” is a trademark licensed by B Lab, a private non-profit organization, to companies like ours that have successfully completed the B Impact Assessment (“BIA”) and therefore meet the requirements set by B Lab for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. It is specified that B Lab is not a conformity assessment body as defined by Regulation (EU) No 765/2008, nor is it a national, European, or international standardization body as per Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012. The criteria of the BIA are distinct and independent from the harmonized standards resulting from ISO norms or other standardization bodies, and they are not ratified by national or European public institutions.